Questions | Support Center (2024)

  • [Lepton-X] How to move toolbar to top ui-angular lepton-x assigned to mahmut.gundogdu application layout. * **ABP Framework version:** v7.0.0* **UI type**: Angular * **DB provider**: MongoDB* **Tiered (MVC I want move toolbar to the top and keep sidebar menu in angular. How to do it?! #4471 closed one year ago by ServiceBot Support Team Automatic process manager 0 2
  • Could not retrieve the OpenId Connect discovery document! failed with status code '407' I try config proxy web browser same as a system and It's worked! But run CLI error 407 * **ABP Framework version:** Latest Version* **UI type**: Angular* **DB provider**: EF Core* **Tiered -p More Info: When used abp cli create abp suite project we has issues 407 authen proxy because using #4491 closed one year ago by ServiceBot Support Team Automatic process manager 0 3
  • Display Login Message To All Tenants (Blazor) * **ABP Framework version:** v7.0.1* **UI type**: Blazor* **DB provider**: EF Core* **Tiered (MVC) #4482 closed one year ago by ServiceBot Support Team Automatic process manager 0 1
  • Send the same message when an account exists or not in the recovery password ABP Framework version: v5.3.4UI type: AngularDB provider: EF CoreTiered (MVC) or Identity Server Separated (Angular): yesHi .we want for security in Forgot password , flow and messages be the same Send the same message when an account exists or not in the recovery password #4488 closed one year ago by ServiceBot Support Team Automatic process manager 0 1
  • Get IStringLocalizer's value without Tenant Hi,You can try :```csharpusing (CurrentTenant.Change(null)){ return L[name];}``` (My localzation values are in the AbpLanguageTexts' table.)! [螢幕擷取畫面_20230206_101325.png](/QA/files/25985ff2188f030ee20c3a093676de70.png)* **ABP Framework version :** 7.0.0* **UI type**: Angular* **DB provider**: EF Core * **Tiered (MVC) or Identity Server Separated #4490 closed one year ago by LarryLin 0 2
  • my code not working without login you need to make sure the `NuGet.Config` and `appsettings.secrets.json` files exist. it is included in Yes its alreay included but still need log in using the command abp login . or it will not compile You need to log in using the command `abp login `. #4460 closed one year ago by ServiceBot Support Team Automatic process manager 0 7
  • Setting Management Module If you're creating a bug/problem report, please include followings:* **ABP Framework version:** v6.0.0 * **UI type**: MVC* **DB provider**: EF Core* **Tiered (MVC) or Identity Server Separated (Angular #4487 closed one year ago by ServiceBot Support Team Automatic process manager 0 1
  • abp 7.0: Unit Tests AbpInitializationException SqliteConnection does not support nested transactions. assigned to maliming ```csusing System;using System.Threading.Tasks;using Volo.Abp.Data;using Volo.Abp.DependencyInjection ;using Volo.Abp.Uow;using test04012022.Addresses;namespace test04012022.Addresses{ public class 2. what exactly was changed between the 6.x and the 7.0 that leads to this behavior? Is it due to .NET 7 or what change was there in the framework? I think it should be a change brought by EF Core 7. If you're creating a bug/problem report, please include followings:* **ABP Framework version:** v7.0.0 #4281 closed one year ago by ServiceBot Support Team Automatic process manager 0 15
  • How to implement safe CSP for Angular? ui-angular assigned to muhammedaltug You can create [Content Strategy]( with using You can create [Content Strategy]( with using adding custom styles or scripts, the locked scripts and styles are the ones that come with the template (using each request the name of the elements changes, for which reason using a sha256 does not work.! Now I understand that it is an issue related to the operation of Angular in general and not directly * **ABP Framework version:** v6.0.2* **UI type**: Angular* **DB provider**: EF Core * **Tiered (MVC message and stack trace**:* **Steps to reproduce the issue**:"Hi, we have deployed the ABP application in We are looking for a way we can configure the CSP policy without using unsafe-inline and we found this Is there an example of how to implement the CSP policy for Angular in a safe way (without using unsafe-inline #4337 closed one year ago by liangshiwei Support Team Fullstack Developer 0 6
  • Dynamic api problem in microservice project Hi,The dynamic API proxy needs to get API definitions from the gateway. You can try access to `https://localhost:44325/api/abp/api-definition` to check it. info may help: If you're creating a bug/problem report, please include followings:**ABP Framework version:** v7.0 * **UI type**: Blazor* **DB provider**: EF Core* **Tiered (MVC) or Identity Server Separated (Angular * **Exception message and stack trace**:* **Steps to reproduce the issue**:"*HiI used Dynamic api in my microservice project before v7.0 by follow the doc and it worked fine, dynamic proxies. #4467 closed one year ago by liangshiwei Support Team Fullstack Developer 0 3
  • Error from ABP commercial payments module stripe webhook callback handling bug assigned to EngincanV It will be available in the next patch version.! Do you know when this fix is available in some stable release? Do you know when this fix is available in some stable release? Do you know which release version this will get in? Do you know which release version this will get in? * **ABP Framework version:** v7.0.0* **UI type**: MVC* **DB provider**: EF Core* **Tiered (MVC) or changes to the current audit log2023-01-19 18:38:22.390 +02:00 [DBG] Added 0 entity changes to the audit log2023-01-19 18:38:22.391 +02:00 [INF] Request finished HTTP/1.1 POST https://localhost:44339/api collector HostedService.````* **Steps to reproduce the issue**:"* * generate new mvc solution using log-level=debug"* make a payment and wait for webhook call forward* ABP commercial payment webhook api #4386 answered one year ago by EngincanV Support Team .NET Developer 0 10
  • Unable to connect to redis server(S) assigned to maliming I tested again in my localhost with deployment in IIS, the same issue happens. It only works fine if we run it on IIS Express using visual studio. because of key storage provider, we can replace it by entity framework core, right? what if we are using tiered project and do not install the redis? I have replaced the data protection storage provider with EF core. * **ABP Framework version:** v3.3.2* **UI type**: Angular* **DB provider**: EF Core* **Tiered (MVC message and stack trace**:* **Steps to reproduce the issue**:Hi, I have set the redis cache to false in However, I still got this error when deploying the API into UAT server, this issue does not happen in 2.0.593.37019 at StackExchange.Redis.ConnectionMultiplexer.ConnectImpl(Object configuration, TextWriter log) in #848 closed one year ago by maliming Support Team Fullstack Developer 0 20
  • ObjectDisposedException : Disposed instance from dependency injection using ABP and DevExpress Reporting assigned to maliming /net-core-controls-via-nugetSetup VS Studio Nuget Package Manager: This may occur if you are calling 'Dispose' on the context instance, or wrapping it in a using statement This may occur if you are calling 'Dispose' on the context instance, or wrapping it in a using statement This may occur if you are calling 'Dispose' on the context instance, or wrapping it in a using statement This may occur if you are calling 'Dispose' on the context instance, or wrapping it in a using statement * **ABP Framework version:** v7.0.0* **UI type**: Angular* **DB provider**: EF Core* **Tiered (MVC resolved from dependency injection and then later trying to use the same context instance elsewhere in This may occur if you are calling 'Dispose' on the context instance, or wrapping it in a using statement If you are using dependency injection, you should let the dependency injection container take care of Instances-cannot-be-resolved-and-nested-lifetimes-cannot-be-created-from-this-LifetimeScope-as-it-or-one-of-its-parent-scopes-has-already-been-disposed)* Issue occurs randomly when using #4394 closed one year ago by maliming Support Team Fullstack Developer 0 32
  • Redirection on logout ui-angular * **ABP Framework version:** v6.0.3* **UI type**: Angular* **DB provider**: EF Core* **Tiered (MVC to reproduce the issue**:"Hi,I'd like to just check that i'm doing login redirection correctly in /src/Volo.Abp.OpenIddict.AspNetCore/Volo/Abp/OpenIddict/Controllers/LogoutController.csAm i right in saying that by default when logging out via the logout menu (shown below) in the Angular frontend you [image.png](/QA/files/3ae13a8f7656b36479343a09247f5596.png)I believe this is correct because in the #4473 closed one year ago by ServiceBot Support Team Automatic process manager 0 1
  • Adding Lookup table for a new field code that looks an over kill for a table like that merely being setup once and will be update probably in Hi,I'm adding a new field in an existing table, and want to add a lookup table for it. code that looks an over kill for a table like that merely being setup once and will be update probably in Is there any simpler way for this in abp framework?Thanks #4475 closed one year ago by ServiceBot Support Team Automatic process manager 0 1
  • Internal Server Error when running the Web project assigned to maliming hi> There are no exceptions in the HttpApi.Host log.What about the AuthServer? There are some HTTP 500 responses in them. Any interpretation you can offer would help. Thank you. Why it manifested itself well after file was included in the project, I have no idea. Can you point me to a resource that explains how to debug the ABP Framework code? * **ABP Framework version:** v 5.3.5* **UI type**: MVC* **DB provider**: EF Core* **Tiered (MVC) or project on my development machine – it does not occur in production. I have been using multiple startup projects. I thought it might be a timing thing. ran the IdentityServer project and the HttpApi.Host first and I still got this problem when I ran the Web There are no exceptions in the HttpApi.Host log. Internal Server Error when running the Web project #4451 closed one year ago by jlavallet 0 7
  • Javascript not applying changes (sometimes) assigned to maliming > > Hello,This is what we have in our `LocationManager` (though this does seem to occur in our other modals as well)```using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Threading.Tasks ;using JetBrains.Annotations;using Volo.Abp.Domain.Repositories;using Volo.Abp.Domain.Services;using ABP Framework version: v6.0.2UI type: MVCDB provider: EF CoreTiered (MVC) or Identity Server Separated Sadly I am not able to provide any more information in terms of error codes or messages on this issue #4385 answered one year ago by 0 10
  • How can i add module dll reference in other module? Hi,Sorry, Can you explain it in detail? thanks. * **ABP Framework version:** v5.2.2* **UI type**: MVC * **DB provider**: EF Core * **Tiered (MVC) **: yes / no* **Exception message and stack trace**:My requirement is to add module dll reference in #4468 closed one year ago by ServiceBot Support Team Automatic process manager 0 3
  • Minification Ignored Files Not working I want all the ignored files exist as a single and not be included in the bundled minificated version How is the bootstrap-light and bootstrap-dark (included in LeptonX Pro) excluded from minification and I want all the ignored files exist as a single and not be included in the bundled minificated version you should use `link` tag add them to the page instead of using a bundle. > Also how can i change my own css from dark and light and being changed in the source code also as * **ABP Framework version:** v7.0.1* **UI type**: MVC* **DB provider**: EF Core* **Tiered (MVC) or Created a ScriptContributor AND StyleContributer in DemoMinification.Web\Bundling**DemoScriptContributor.cs return View("/Components/DemoJs/Default.cshtml"); } }```**Default.cshtml**```@using DemoMinification.Web.Bundling@*@addTagHelper *, Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Mvc.UI.Bundling*@```In this method to add the CSS Bundle and to add a Hook for the ViewComponent which include the desired JS in #4466 closed one year ago by ServiceBot Support Team Automatic process manager 0 3
  • abp suite - navigation property naming does not match the given plural name Suite assigned to yekalkan Hi again,You have to set the correct db collection name in the advanced section when adding the navigation * **ABP Framework version:** v7.0.1* **UI type**: Blazor* **DB provider**: EF Coregiven a entity [image.png](/QA/files/138dd6a692dcb0ea60df3a08ff8711e9.png)when adding a entity `fietesen` with a * [image.png](/QA/files/9ba418e0e25ca02e83123a08ff89b8c2.png)In EFFietsRepository.cs the code generator #4431 answered one year ago by yekalkan Support Team Fullstack Developer 0 3
  • Questions | Support Center (2024)


    Where can I find answers to my questions? ›

    • User-powered question and answer platform. ...
    • Ask a Librarian. Online reference desk service from the Library of Congress. ...
    • Brainly. Post questions to a community of millions of students and teachers. ...
    • Chegg Study. ...
    • Dummies. ...
    • eHow. ...
    • PolitiFact. ...
    • Quora.

    What are 10 open-ended questions? ›

    10 examples of open-ended questions
    • Why did you apply for this position?
    • Explain how you manage tight deadlines at work.
    • What are your biggest strengths and why?
    • Why do you think you're the right candidate for this position?
    • Why did you leave your previous position?
    • Where do you see yourself in the future?
    Nov 30, 2023

    What are some good questions to answer? ›

    100 Getting to Know You Questions
    • Who is your hero?
    • If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
    • What is your biggest fear?
    • What is your favorite family vacation?
    • What would you change about yourself if you could?
    • What really makes you angry?
    • What motivates you to work hard?

    What is customer support interview questions and answers? ›

    Can you talk me through what you do after answering a customer's query? Describe a time when you provided high-quality customer service. Tell me about a situation where you had to solve a difficult problem. Describe a time when you made a mistake at work and how you handled it.

    What website gives you answers to questions? ›

    Quora is a site where people post answers to your questions. It also allows you to follow Topics, People, and specific Questions, which is great for keeping up with trends and questions that you never ran into yet. Its advantage lies in its community of reputable experts.

    What is the app that answers questions? ›

    You Might Also Like
    • Course Hero: AI Homework Help. Education.
    • Pic Answer - AI Solver. Education.
    • Chegg Study - Homework Help. Education.
    • MathPapa - Algebra Calculator. Education.
    • Quizard AI - Scan and Solve. Education.
    • Cymath - Math Problem Solver. Education.

    What are 3 good open-ended questions? ›

    Use open-ended questions as follow ups for other questions; can be asked after open or closed-ended questions.
    • How did you get involved in…?
    • What kind of challenges are you facing?
    • What's the most important priority to you? ...
    • What could make this no longer a priority?
    • What other issues are important to you?

    What are 5 closed questions? ›

    Examples of closed-ended questions are:
    • Are you feeling better today?
    • May I use the bathroom?
    • Is the prime rib a special tonight?
    • Should I date him?
    • Will you please do me a favor?
    • Have you already completed your homework?
    • Is that your final answer?
    • Were you planning on becoming a fireman?
    Aug 16, 2021

    What are three open-ended questions for mental health? ›

    These are some common open-ended questions for counseling that your therapist may ask at your first appointment:
    • What brings you here today?
    • Have you ever seen a counselor/therapist/psychologist before?
    • What do you see as being the biggest problem?
    • How does this problem make you feel?
    • What makes the problem better?
    Mar 31, 2023

    What are strength and weakness? ›

    For strengths, discuss how they can help you excel at the job. For example, if you're a motivated self-starter, focus on how that relates to the role you're applying for and how you believe this strength can benefit the company. For weaknesses, avoid anything that doesn't directly impact your professional performance.

    What are the 7 qualities of good customer service? ›

    Here are the top customer service skills your representatives need, according to data.
    • Persuasive Speaking Skills. Think of the most persuasive speaker in your organisation. ...
    • Empathy. ...
    • Adaptability. ...
    • Ability to Use Positive Language. ...
    • Clear Communication Skills. ...
    • Self-Control. ...
    • Taking Responsibility. ...
    • Patience.

    How do I get Google to answer my questions? ›

    On your Android phone or tablet, touch and hold the Home button or say "Hey Google."

    How do I get my questions answered on the Internet? ›

    Before you start asking others about your question, try a Google search to see what kind of results you get. You can even formulate your search in the form of a question, or you can just search for the keywords. Searching on your own before asking is very important.

    How can I see my answers on Google Maps? ›

    Find your questions or answers
    1. On your Android phone or tablet, open the Google Maps app .
    2. Tap Contribute . If necessary, at the top, tap and drag the menu bar until you see Q&A.
    3. Tap Q&A.
    4. Scroll through your list of questions and answers.

    Does Google have answers to all questions? ›

    It is simply an algorithm that seeks information that has been published by other users. While it may seem like Google has all the answers it never will find an answer to all of your questions because they simply do not exist.


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