Early Tuesday Morning Iraq News Highlights 5-10-22 — Dinar Recaps (2024)



Early Tuesday Morning Iraq News Highlights 5-10-22

After A Holiday For More Than A Month... Parliament Resumes Its Activity

Sumerian special2022-05-10 | 04:44Source:Sumerian207 viewsParliament resumes its activity and sets the next Wednesday and Thursday as a date for the sessions. Political circles: The deputies of the quarreling blocs are the ones behind the disruption of the sessions.

After a vacation that lasted for more than a month, the parliament is preparing to hold two parliamentary sessions on next Wednesday and Thursday to discuss a number of projects and laws, amid parliamentary welcome for the resumption of sessions.

Parliament is preparing to hold two regular sessions on Wednesday and Thursday after a vacation that lasted for more than a month. Parliament welcomed the resumption of sessions to discuss some projects and resolve the remainder of naming committees. On the agenda is the first reading of the law criminalizing normalization with the Zionist entity and voting on the law on emergency support for food security, according to deputies.

After announcing the return of the sessions, political circles confirmed that the size of the differences and the quarreling blocs directly affected the functioning of Parliament and its oversight work.

Without voting on the second position of the presidency, defying the fever of blockage, stressing also that Parliament has nothing to do with the differenceLINK

The Minister Of Foreign Affairs Arrives In The Belgian Capital, Brussels

Policy2022-05-10 | 01:53 The Minister of Foreign Affairs arrives in the Belgian capital, Brussels

Source:Alsumaria news430 viewsToday, Tuesday, the Minister of Foreign Affairs arrived in the Belgian capital, Brussels, to participate in the Sixth Brussels Conference.

In a statement received by Alsumaria News, Foreign Ministryspokesman Ahmed Al-Sahaf said, "Foreign Minister Fouad Husseinhas arrived in the Belgian capital, Brussels , to participate in the Sixthon the future of Syriaand the region, which will be held at the ministerial level and begins its work today."LINK

A Meeting Of The Coordination Framework In The House Of Al-Fayyad

Policy2022-05-09 | 14:43SourceAlsumaria news5,766 viewsThe coordination framework held, this evening, Monday, a meeting at the home of the head of the Popular Mobilization Authority, Faleh Al-Fayyad.

An informed source told Alsumaria News, "The coordinating framework held a meeting a while ago at Al-Fayyad's house inBaghdad ".

In addition, a parliamentary source stated that "the coordination framework meeting came to discuss the outcomes of the framework initiative and the results of dialogues with the rest of the political blocs to end the political blockage."

The Alliance to Save a Homeland confirmed, today, Monday, that it is open to political forces that believe in the government of the national majority, after a meeting held in Erbil.LINK

Shock..A Kurdish Party Determines The Position Of The Large Blocs Of Independent Representatives To Form The Government

Posted On2022-05-10By SotaliraqThe Patriotic Union of Kurdistan confirmed, on Monday, that the large blocs will not support independents in forming the government.

Union member Rizan Sheikh Delir said in an exclusive statement that "the large political blocs will not support independents in forming the government."

She added, "It is impossible for independents to form a government without the support of large blocs, and these blocs will not support them, of course," pointing out that "the initiatives that were directed at the independents are considered failed initiatives and launched by the parties so that it is not said that they do not have initiatives to solve the political crisis."

Dler indicated that "the number of independent representatives is very few compared to the large blocs, so they will not be able to form a government, and this is what the coming days will prove." LINK

Independents Face Political Blockage With Special Committees To Study Initiatives

Posted On2022-05-10By SotaliraqOn Monday, an informed political source revealed the details of the committees formed by independent representatives to study political initiatives.

The comprehensive coordinating framework of Shiite forces, and the leader of the Sadrist movement Muqtada al-Sadr, put forward an initiative to resolve the blockage, as the framework initiative consisted of nine points, and was accompanied by nine commitments, which included a pivotal role for the independents in naming the prime minister, provided that it is within the framework of the Shiite component, followed by an initiative for al-Sadr.

By calling on independent representatives to form an independent bloc to form the government away from the coordination framework, after a period of forty days granted to the framework in order to form the government independently of his current.

With the end of the deadline comes a new failure in the attempts of the framework or the movement to find an understanding with the other forces in order to set a new date for holding a parliament session, dedicated to electing a new president of the republic, and completing the constitutional entitlements represented by forming a new government.

The source stated, "The committees formed by the independent representatives to study political initiatives will work in the coming days to put forward an initiative to solve the political crisis between the Sadrist bloc and the coordination framework."

He added that "the initiative will include the convergence of views and the formation of an independent government from the prime minister and ministers, provided that it enjoys the support and backing of all political forces, especially the Shiite parties."

The source pointed out that "the initiative will work to find solutions to solve and address the economic crisis by setting the exchange rate of the dollar against the dollar, and the prices of food and consumer goods, in addition to taking action on the international community in the water crisis."LINK

16 Independents Support The "Al-Sadr" Initiative, 13 With The "Council" And 23 Others In The Gray Area

Posted On2022-05-10By SotaliraqBaghdad / Tamim Al-HassanThe division and lack of clarity of the position of the "independents" on the calls of the Sadrist movement and the coordination framework, still increases the expectations of the continuation of Mustafa Al-Kazemi's government for a longer time.

At a time when the "frameworkers" began to be optimistic, after news of two new initiatives that were being talked about during the past hours, the crisis that has been going on for about 7 months may be dismantled.

And the leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, and the coordinating framework, entered the independents on the crisis line after they were recently invited to participate or head the next government.

According to the two calls, the independents must form a unified bloc of no less than 40 deputies, and within two weeks at least, according to what was stated in "Al-Sadr's call."

According to what is going on in political circles, the success rate of a government led by independents amidst the sharp polarization between the "current" and "the framework" is zero percent.

This percentage comes according to what is estimated by the researcher in political affairs, Ghaleb Al-Daami, because of "the division of independents among the political forces."

Al-Daami added, in connection with (Al-Mada): "There are no real independents, except for 5 to 7 only, and the rest are mainly affiliated with the Sadrist movement, the coordination framework, or other parties."

Last month, the Sadrist movement tried twice to lure the independents to the two presidential elections, but failed.

So far, the "independents" have not been able to formulate a unified position towards the crisis, as it began, according to leaks, an early dispute between them over who will be the next prime minister.

]Al-Daami indicates that "the failure of the independents to join the majority will bring us back to the scenario of the continuation of Al-Kazemi's government."

Who are the freelancers?

The latest election law approved by Parliament in 2020 in the wake of the October demonstrations allowed individual candidacy to fill parliament seats, away from the control of parties and alliances.

During the elections that took place last year, 789 people were nominated under the "independent" slogan, including what has become known as a "shadow candidate" for a particular party, and former deputies.

After the results of the elections in which less than 45% participated, which is the lowest participation rate since 2005 (the first elections after 2003), 43 "independents" were able to ascend to Parliament.

Independents in the new parliament constituted 12% of the 329 deputies, and for the first time, parties affiliated with or supportive of the October demonstrations, which will be called "independent", rose with them for the first time.

After the results of the elections and the start of the conflict between the winning Shiite forces, some independents picked up the head of the thread and tried to form blocs.

The 43 independents dissolved into 3 coalitions (formed gradually after the results of the elections), and others were distributed among the traditional political forces, while a few remained single.

9 independent parliamentarians (out of 43) went to form the independent Iraq alliance, which will then split between loyalists to the "current" and "the framework".

The members of the last coalition are the representatives: Mohsen Al-Mandalawi, Mustafa Sanad, Adnan Ashour, Salah Al-Tamimi, Hussein Arab, and these, according to the leaks, joined the "frameworkers".

The other five, who are each of the representatives: Hassan Al-Khafaji, Abdul Hadi Al-Hasnawi, Ali Al-Saadi, Nazem Al-Shibli, these expressed an official position in support of the call of the leader of the Sadrist movement.

As for the second coalition (for the 43 independents), it is the independent popular bloc, and it includes 4 deputies: Basem Khashan, who was classified as being close to the "frameworkers", but he has not yet announced an official position from any of the two sides of the crisis, Sajjad Salem, Osama Al-Badri, And Mohamed Anouz, who recently announced that he prefers to remain in the opposition.

The third coalition is the Voice of the Independents, which also includes 4 deputies: Amir Al-Maamouri, Hussein Al-Sabri, Haider Tariq Al-Hasnawi, and Hadi Al-Salami, and they did not announce any position on the two initiatives.

After that, the Sunni forces managed to attract 11 independents (out of 43), who were divided by 6 into the Alliance of Progress, and 6 others for the Alliance of Azm, before the two merged to form the “Alliance of Sovereignty.”

On the other hand, 3 independent MPs (out of 43) joined the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, and 8 others joined the coordinating framework. They are: Yousef Al-Nawfali, Ali Turki, the former Minister of Labor, Adel Al-Rikabi, Thaer Al-Saidi, Nasik Mahdi, Yasser Al-Husseini, and Waad Qaddo (Kota Al-Shabak). , Hussein Mardan (Kota Faili).

Subsequently, Burhan Al-Maamouri, an MP nominated for the independents category (out of the 43 winning independent MPs), joined the Sadrist movement, and is essentially a former MP for the movement.

As for the remaining three independents out of 43 winners, their positions on the crisis are unclear. They are Osama Badr from the "Sabean quota", MP Omar Saleh, and Farouk Hanna from the "Christian quota".

After the invitations of "Al-Sadr" and "The Framework", the circle of those classified under the "independent" category was expanded beyond the 43 independent winners, to include the Alliance for the People (18 seats), which is divided equally between supporters and opponents of the "Al-Sadr" initiative.

The alliance includes 9 deputies of the Extension movement, which showed a sign of welcoming the Sadrist movement's initiative, and 9 other deputies of the New Generation Movement, which announced that it would remain in the opposition's side.

Also, Ishraqa Kanon, a movement that participates in the elections for the first time and has 6 deputies, was included in the independents team, and it has not yet announced any position on the two initiatives.[/size]

In addition to the inclusion of Representative Yasser Iskandar, a candidate from the Loyalty and Change bloc, one of the members of the Independent Iraq Alliance - the wing supporting the initiative of the leader of the Sadrist movement - within the group of independents, and a representative of the Wasit People's Independent Gathering, Basem Gharibawi, who then announced his joining the Sadrist movement.

New initiatives

On the other side of events, there are leaks about the willingness of Massoud Barzani, the leader of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, to present a new initiative to resolve the crisis, while no information has been available so far about the details of the initiative.

But the "frameworkers" began, in press statements, a few days ago, courting the leader of the Democratic Party, hoping that the initiative would benefit the coordination framework.

Aed al-Hilali, a leader in the "Coordination", said in a previous statement, "Masoud Barzani's initiative may be an actual solution to the crisis after the failure of the framework and current initiatives," according to his description.

The Second Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Shakhwan Abdullah, had announced at the end of last April in a press statement that "President Barzani will have an initiative to solve the current Iraqi situation, which he will announce after the Eid al-Fitr holiday."

In the same regard, the "Coordination Committee" is promoting that Muhammad al-Halbousi, the speaker of parliament and an ally of al-Sadr, has a new initiative - not yet confirmed - that includes merging the framework with the tripartite alliance.LINK

Al-Kazemi Implements Abdul-Mahdi’s Decision.” Arming The Anbar Tribes Raises Fears Of Politicians In The Province

Posted On2022-05-10By SotaliraqFor the second week in a row, the tribesmen of the western regions of Anbar Governorate continue to implement the directives of the General Command of the Armed Forces, to arm and work to protect their areas and hunt down ISIS cells in the desert areas of the province. clan,” the decision raises questions from political analysts, about the reason behind its application in Anbar and not in other liberated provinces, although the decision was issued during the time of the government of former Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi, and it included all liberated provinces, but it was not implemented at the time.

Geographical area for each clan

The deputy commander of the Anbar Mobilization Forces, Malallah Barzan, said, “Under the guidance of the General Command of the Armed Forces, the tribesmen of the western regions of Anbar Governorate, western Iraq, were assigned to support the Iraqi security services in the war against (ISIS), repel its attacks and follow up their movements in the desert and surrounding areas. Residential.”

Barzan added that "the role of the tribesmen is focused on the areas called (Al-Shamiya), which are affiliated with the Rutba district, as well as the areas (T1 and Al-Jazeera) all the way to Mosul, then Baiji, Samarra, and ending with Salah al-Din."

Barzan points out, "It was agreed with the tribesmen to confront (ISIS), by arming the tribesmen, as a result of the organization's increasing attempts to implement their terrorist plans recently," noting that "a geographical area has been identified for each clan, to serve as a liability breaker, With the aim of chasing the remnants of (ISIS), working to protect the areas near the desert, and hunting down the terrorists who are there.”

Barzan asserts, “It is no secret to anyone that the Anbar clans played a great role, in cooperation with the security services, during the war to expel (ISIS) from the province, and it is certain that the Anbar clans and their sons are able to end the presence of the rest of the organization in the deserts or elsewhere.”

The people of the desert know its terrain

for his part; The leader of the Tribal Mobilization, Awad Al-Jaghifi, said that “since the beginning of this month, the pursuit operations against (ISIS) in a number of desert areas, west of Anbar, have been entrusted to the Tribal Mobilization Forces, clan leaders and a number of volunteers, present in those areas, within partitions that were divided under the supervision of The leaders of the ground forces, the Al-Jazeera operations, the joint operations, and the Anbar operations.”

Al-Jaghifi added, "Since assigning the missions of (ISIS) to hunt down members of the tribes, several operations have been carried out to track down the organization's cells, gather information about them, and check the identities of the shepherds and others who arrive in those areas."

Al-Jaghifi points out that "during the last three days, two operations were carried out, the last of which was deep in the Jazira desert, and the operations are continuing to precisely track down ISIS cells." Noting that "the operations carried out so far are reconnaissance and aim to move and reach the farthest possible point."

Al-Jaghifi continues, saying that "in coordination with the Joint Operations Command, we have had operations towards wider areas, such as Salah al-Din and Nineveh, without specifying any cut-offs of responsibility, and there will be impressive results during the next few days," noting that "the Anbar desert is vast, and the population of the western regions is They are fully aware of the terrain and details of their areas, and they also have plans to track down the remaining elements of (ISIS)."

Al-Jaghifi explains that "the number of the remaining ISIS elements does not require the exit of security units equipped with huge numbers of mechanisms and weapons, but rather it requires limited effort and qualitative operations and tracking down terrorists with light and fast mechanisms, unlike the mechanisms of the army, the police and the rest of the security services." He emphasized, "None of the clans or their sons were armed, and the task was entrusted to the clan leaders and a section of the tribal mobilization's affiliates in those areas, as well as to the volunteer clans' sons."

Abdul-Mahdi's decision is implemented by Al-Kazemi

In turn, the researcher in Iraqi security affairs, Ghanem Al-Abed, believes that “the decision to form crowds of clans from the liberated areas, and the withdrawal of the Popular Mobilization Forces from those areas, is a decision issued since the time of the government of former Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi, but it was not implemented at the time.”

Al-Abed explains that “the implementation of the decision in Anbar at this time raises questions, when precisely at this time the decision was implemented, especially since Anbar today faces political divisions, in addition to having taken control of the Sunni decision, and disagreements over the formation of the government, and the promotion of the rumor (the ghosts of the desert). Therefore, the tribal crowds taking over the responsibility of the western regions at this time raises many signs of astonishment and astonishment.”

Al-Abed adds, asking, “Why is the decision implemented in Anbar, and not in Nineveh, Salah al-Din or Diyala? Is (ISIS) only in Anbar? And why was the agreement of the central government and the Kurdistan Regional Government not approved on the agreement to address the problems of the disputed areas (from Diyala to Sinjar), under the supervision of the International Coalition, and through the formation of military brigades, whose fighters are exclusively from those areas, and are linked to the Iraqi Ministry of Defense , in order to keep the crowd away from those areas.”

The political analyst pointed out that "the decision poses a great danger to the residents of Anbar, especially that the Iraqi-Syrian border is absolutely subject to the Iranian militias' state, and Iran has already established during the past year three camps for it on the Syrian side, and the Afghan, Pakistani, Iranian and other militias are holding them." Doctrinal, just as we do not forget the problems of al-Hol camp and Ghweran prison in Syria, all of which pose a threat to Iraq and Anbar in particular.”

Al-Abed wonders, saying, "Everyone knows that the tribal crowds do not have the weapons that the Popular Mobilization does, so how will they defend their areas. LINK

The Sadrist Bloc Reveals The Refusal Of Independents To Take Over The Task Of Forming The Iraqi Government

Posted On2022-05-10By SotaliraqOn Monday, the head of the Sadrist Parliamentary Bloc, Hassan al-Adari, noted the rejection of some independent representatives of the initiative of the "Save the Homeland" coalition to take over the task of forming the new Iraqi government, while stressing that the struggle of the existing coalition is a struggle for reform, not for the spoils of power.

Al-Adari wrote, in a tweet to him on Twitter, "After we proved that we are not committed to power and gave a golden opportunity to independents to form a government and prime minister, the response came from some of them with refusal."

He added, "We are proceeding with reform, and our political struggle is nothing but a struggle for reform, not for the sake of sharing the spoils of power," pointing out that "one of the most important signs of reform are our constant demands to form a national majority government, away from power-sharing and consensus that harmed the country and people."

The comprehensive coordinating framework of Shiite forces, and the leader of the Sadrist movement Muqtada al-Sadr, put forward an initiative to resolve the blockage, as the framework initiative consisted of nine points, and was accompanied by nine commitments, which included a pivotal role for the independents in naming the prime minister, provided that it is within the framework of the Shiite component, followed by an initiative for al-Sadr. By calling on independent representatives to form an independent bloc to form the government away from the coordination framework, after a period of forty days granted to the framework in order to form the government independently of his current.

With the end of the deadline comes a new failure in the attempts of the framework or the movement to find an understanding with the other forces in order to set a new date for holding a parliament session, dedicated to electing a new president of the republic, and completing the constitutional entitlements represented by forming a new government.LINK

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Early Tuesday Morning Iraq News Highlights 5-10-22 — Dinar   Recaps (2024)


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Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.